Total Enrollment Experience Reset

Your college’s enrollment growth starts here.

Remove the guesswork with a data-backed enrollment marketing growth plan.

The total enrollment experience reset is our flagship service. We conduct an enrollment opportunity assessment to identify the highest priority activities. You receive a plan for implementation across 3 key communication functions of the college for awareness, conversion and retention.

What it is

An analysis, advisory and implementation service that will reset your student attraction and student experience. We’ll start with the student population opportunity assessment and pipeline analysis to use data to set a benchmark and determine the highest priority efforts. Then we will write your nudge campaigns, create your awareness marketing plan and retention plan. You will get a minimum of 6 months of implementation advisory services with us so we can continue to guide execution.

Who it’s for

Individual College, Districts/Consortiums/ Statewide Strategic Enrollment Management Teams, Institutional Effectiveness Professionals, Advancement teams, College Cabinet/Leadership teams

Why it’s needed

You have an inconsistent student experience with many different messages going out to potential and current students. You want a clear and elevated experience for students. More inquiries, applications, registrants and keeping current students.

When the time is right

Typically if you are going into a strategic plan or strategic enrollment management planning. Your team is working hard, but you can’t seem to gain enrollments to meet your goal quickly enough.

How to get started

Complete our contact form so we can have a phone call to hear about your college and identify whether a Total Enrollment Experience Reset is a good fit for you.





6-8 weeks with 6 months of implementation support.


A Total Enrollment Experience Reset can usually be scheduled within 1-3 weeks, depending on the time of year.

Participation Requirements.

Have an established SEM Planning Committee with budget allocated for marketing, conversion and retention efforts.  The best use of our expertise is to take strategic enrollment management teams and create action for enrollment growth. If you don’t feel your college is there yet, consider an Enrollment Benchmarking to help illuminate the priorities for you and begin to align your team.


$50,000. Additional implementation advisory can be purchased for $2,000/month.

You can also visit our FAQ Page.